• We are Organised Human Ltd (referred to as OHL below).
  • This document outlines our standard terms and conditions.
  • A contract between us is created when you decide to use our products.
  • By using our products, you agree to these terms and conditions.


  1. The generation and despatch of survey emails, or time spent administrating a contract, are considered as our invoiceable events.
  2. The generation and despatch of 1 (one) survey email to 1 (one) participant will count as the first invoiceable event and shall make this contract enforceable, irrespective of future events.
  3. Invoices shall reflect the total number of participants listed on our database.
  4. You are responsible for informing us of participant changes.
  5. We reserve the right to invoice for other costs not known at the time of this agreement, after discussion with you.
  6. Invoice terms and payment details are documented on each invoice.
  7. We reserve the right to suspend the service, at our discretion, if due invoices fall outside of the payment terms.
  8. We reserve the right to recover unpaid debts using all legal means.
  9. Prices may change and any changes will be agreed with you.


  1. The current version is always supplied.
  2. We do not supply specific ‘numberedrsquo’ versions, as we continually update the product.
  3. Part of our USP is that we own the code, as we have designed and written the code. This means we will continually refine and improve the product and the service.
  4. We welcome your feedback and are happy to discuss participant-generated updates with you.


  1. We will use our best efforts to run the survey weekly.
  2. We will email all of your participants listed on our database with the Friihday survey questions on your survey day, or as close to it as possible.
    1. A new survey link is emailed out each week.
    2. We recommend that participants complete the survey on your survey day, or as close to it as possible.
    3. Participants have until we close the survey for that week to use their link. This is usually 5.00pm GMT on the day before your results day.
    4. We can arrange for the survey ‘to be on holiday’ as and when you request, to take account of shutdowns and holiday periods.
    5. Survey response rates can vary, and we make no claims about what constitutes a useful population group.
    6. You are responsible for ensuring participants respond to the survey links.
  3. We will email all participants with their personal results on your results day.
    1. Friihday has been designed to ensure anonymity and confidentiality.
    2. Individual results are only sent to that person’s email address.
    3. Results are only sent to participants who have completed the survey that week.
  4. We will email all the people who have been designated by you to receive the company results on your results day.
    1. These results only go to those designated participants.
    2. We reserve the right to apply reporting limits to data, in order to preserve the anonymity of respondents, and therefore not all results may be reported. Such reporting limits will be made clear on the relevant results pages.
    3. You are responsible for maintaining appropriate confidentiality around the disclosure and feedback of such results..
    4. You are responsible for ensuring such results are used in professional, ethical and reasonable ways.
  5. We need to maintain the database and the back-office technical function, from time to time, to allow for upgrades.
    1. We will endeavour to avoid missing survey weeks, however, if this is not possible, we will do our best to notify you in advance.
    2. Such essential and reasonable work will be deemed as part of the ongoing supply of the product and will not affect monthly fees.
  6. We will inform you if there are significant material changes to the product, or service. Upgrades defined as technical refinements, or style changes shall not be counted as being significant.


  1. We are not able to supply Friihday to any person under the age of 18 (eighteen) years of age.
  2. By agreeing to this contract, you warrant that all email addresses supplied to OHL are only for people aged 18 (eighteen) or over.
  3. You warrant that all email addresses supplied to us are done so in good faith and with the consent of the parties involved.
  4. We onboard all people whose email addresses have been supplied. If specific people do not wish to be included in Friihday and make this known to us, we will discuss this with you on a case-by-case basis.
  5. You are free to ask us to remove any email address at any time.
  6. At the termination of this contract, we will delete all email addresses from our system.
  7. We hold all email addresses on our secure database.
  8. We do not share email addresses with 3rd Parties.
  9. All data generated from this contract shall always remain the property of OHL.
  10. All data generated shall survive the termination of this contract for an indefinite period.
  11. We reserve the right to use all data owned by us in any manner, including and not restricted to research, product development and commercialisation. For example, we may produce ‘global results’ or ‘comparative results’ and we shall maintain the anonymity of your organisation and the participants within it.


  1. OHL has no indirect liability to your organisation, for any issue arising out of, or relating to the agreement, the product, or the service, for any indirect, consequential, special, incidental, or punitive damages, or lost revenues, profits, savings, or goodwill. This is reciprocal and your organisation has no liability to OHL for the same items.
  2. OHL limits direct liability for damages to the amount of costs paid by your organisation to OHL during the previous 12 (twelve) month period before the event giving rise to the liability.


  1. We shall retain all intellectual property related to all aspects of OHL as an entity and the Friihday product range, at all times, regardless of whether changes or upgrades were bought about by OHL or your organisation, whether paid for, or supplied as a continuing part of the commercial supply of the product to you.
  2. We reserve the right to update prices and make to other contractual changes, as agreed, and such changes shall not invalidate any pre-existing agreement.
  3. We shall uphold a 3 (three) month notice period, from the date of notice in writing if you decide to end the agreement. Such notice period shall be subject to the terms above.
  4. We reserve the right to end the contract unilaterally and without reason and shall uphold a 3 (three) month notice period, from the date of notice in writing. Such notice period shall be subject to the terms above.
  5. Other terms may be agreed between us in writing, as additions to this contract.